Back to Reality...
All summer I got up at the crack of dawn, walked the dogs, drank the coffee and more importantly...
I wrote the words. And wrote them, and wrote them and wrote them and wrote them. Then I read them. Then I wrote them some more. And then, my pinky did DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE DELETE. I wrote about 70,000 words this summer.
And so, when I finished a draft, I was all like, I wrote a book this summer!
The other thing I did this summer was decide to learn how to do Twitter.
Which was fun. And also grueling. But ultimately led me to PitchWars. So I put my big girl pants on, got three people to critique it, I have no idea how, and wrote two more drafts and then hit SUBMIT. And then, this -
I found out about PW Teasers and went down that rabbit hole for the first 24 hours the window was open. I became convinced that I would have heard by now. Etc. And whatever.
But, good news - The Real World Awaits!
Not that writing isn't the real world. It's very real.
I have two other real worlds as well. One has been neglected and one was on hiatus and is about to kick back up into high gear.
Real World Number One - MOM. I have neglected and turned a blind eye to many different things in the last few weeks. I wrote a novel this summer but nothing makes me feel more accomplished than having all the children's laundry washed and put away. I love seeing the clean shirts all hanging in a row. You don't have to ask anyone if you washed the shirts properly. No one has to decide if the clean shirts are good enough to be published.
I'm happiest when there washer and dryer are both running.
Real World Number Two - VICE PRINCIPAL
It's hard to describe what I do at my job. What I do not do is stop. It's a great, busy job and I get to love a lot of kids and work with great people. Those little people don't care how many books I've written either.
"Mrs. Allison, is your PitchWars mentor tweeting out teasers or no?" Is something you will never hear.
And then there's these two guys. They need a walk.
I'm in the Pitch Wars vortex but lucky for me, two other vortexes are waiting to pull me out, and I am jumping into both of them.
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