Monday, May 18, 2020

Daily Principal Emails

Since March 22, I have been principalling from home.

During that time, I have sent an email every day to my families and teachers with themes of the day.

I have decided to start posting them here too. I haven't figured out what else to post recently so let's give this a whirl. 

Here is this week's Week Ahead email - it's Victoria Day here in Canada so we are starting the school week on a Tuesday.

The week ahead - May 19 - 22

Mrs Allison
Mon 18/05/2020 5:07 PM

Hello Knights!

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend.
I think we are just about done with the rain and the forecast for the week looks like shorts and t-shirts! 

GIF by Owain Wyn Evans

Here are the themes for this week.
a muppet family christmas phone GIF

Telephone Tuesday - Phone, FaceTime or video chat someone today to say hi. Texting doesn't count!
You could phone a friend, an aunt or uncle or cousin or a grandparent...whose day will you brighten?
Send or a tweet a picture or story of how you made someone's day better.

summer fall GIF by CBC

Would You Rather Wednesday - I'll give you a couple of "Would You Rathers" to talk about with your family or share with us.
leave it to beaver cleavers GIF

Throwback Thursday - Share an old TV Show or Movie that you have enjoyed.

Maybe check with Mom and Dad about one of their favourites. (Do you know this one?)
GIF Jokes joke jokes koala qualifications GIF

Funny Friday - Share a joke with your family, then email or tweet it to all of us! @monsignorONeil.
Let's have a great week together.
Cheer Up Hug GIF by Chibird

Mrs. Allison

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